Bradley is my 14-year-old son who is awaiting a kidney transplant. My Dad is the kidney donor. This is our story...

Friday, April 22, 2011

Welcome...grab your tissues...and get ready to experience...A Kidney for Bradley.

For most parents, hearing that your child has a serious illness is one of your worst nightmares.  Up until a few months ago, it was mine as well.

On November 1, 2010, our lives changed forever.

My oldest son, Bradley-14, was diagnosed with kidney failure.  This diagnosis hit us like a mack truck in the middle of the night, but over the past 6 months, things have become somewhat clearer.  We have become closer as a family, and we are adjusting to our new life.

Bradley is scheduled for a kidney transplant on May 10, 2011.  My Dad is the donor. He is an amazing man.

My mother finally convinced me to start writing about this whole process; not just as therapy for myself, but to also share our experience with others.  It has been quite a rollercoaster ride; lots of emotions and lots of tears...tears of frustration, tears of sadness and pain, but also tears of joy.

Alot has happend in the past 6 months.  I am going to do my best to catch you all up before the big day on May 10th.

I do not claim to be the best writer, so bear with me as I share a mother's thoughts and feelings with you.  I will try to give you more of an inside look into the complexity of the kidney transplant process and how this little bean shaped organ works to rid your body of toxins among other things.

Also, if you are anything like me, you may want to grab a box of tissues.  I am thinking about buying stock in kleenex because I have used so many over the past months. :-)

Lots of love,

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